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John V. Roach Honors College

The John V. Roach Honors College is a learning community of Academic Excellence where high-achieving students explore the complexities of knowledge. The Honors College embodies the first Lead On priority - Strengthening the Academic Profile and Reputation of TCU.
Leading research shows that high-achieving students blossom in environments with interdisciplinary and experiential learning. Honors students at TCU participate in interdisciplinary learning through a curriculum designed to explore big questions that push students outside of their comfort zones and outside of traditional classrooms. Experiential learning, in the form of research and creative projects, is guided by faculty mentors who apply fundamentals from the classroom to real-world scenarios.
The Honors experience develops critical thinking and problem solving; introduces students to new ideas and diverse environments; awakens students' innate curiosities; and instills a passion for lifelong learning. A major goal is to help our 1,230 Honors students to excel and to surpass even their own expectations. An Honors education exposes students to ongoing, Transformative Experiences, as reflected by finance major and Spanish minor, Kyle Hepting, "The experience I had was truly life-changing and opened my eyes to the impact I have on the world."
To do more, costs more. Philanthropy has fueled our current success, allowing students access to nationally and internationally renowned professors; multi-disciplinary approaches to teaching and learning; and small group discussions. To our many benefactors through the years, we are eternally grateful.
There is so much more we can do. With your help, we can support Academic Excellence and provide Transformative Experiences that prepares students for a vibrant world.
We look forward to working with you to create endless opportunities for growth and development and to help our Honors students fulfill their amazing potential.
Cost should not be a barrier for outstanding students seeking an Honors education at TCU. Opportunities: Full Tuition Scholarship: $1 Million+. Named Scholarship: $100,000+, Heritage Scholarship: $50,000+
The best Honors professors are highly visible, accomplished, interdisciplinary faculty who have an extraordinary commitment to mentoring undergraduates and who bring the spotlight to TCU. Opportunities: Distinguished University Chairs: $5 Million, Chair: $2.5 Million, Professorship: $1 Million, Faculty Fellows: $500,000
Original research and creative activity, guided by a faculty mentor, is at the heart of our program. Work of past students have led to improvements in aviation and new techniques in theater for the deaf. With a naming gift, the number of students participating and the scope of projects we are able to fund could dramatically increase. Opportunities: Name the Program for $5 Million. Individual student research endowments start at $100,000.
Honors Explorations (study abroad) is a signature program that is highly visible and transformational. With a Pinnacle Gift, we could further develop international collaborations and ensure that more Honors students are able to participate. Opportunities: Name the Program for $10 Million. Individual student Honors Exploration endowments start at $100,000.
Honors Students by the Numbers
1,230+ students enrolled in the Honors College
~275 students admitted each year
80+ majors represented
3.9 avg high school GPA, 3.8 avg TCU GPA
1450/1600 avg SAT, 33 avg ACT
"Honors students are so much more than just 'smart.' They're curious, self-motivated and passionate about learning. They accept accountability for their own education and work collaboratively with their peers. They're concerned, introspective and respectful individuals who engage difference with open minds and open hearts." ~ Dean Diane Snow
Contact Us to learn how you can support the John V. Roach Honors College and its priorities.

Shelly Frank
Director of Development