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Donor Events
Click on the images below to explore the photo albums depicting recent celebrations of TCU donors.
Clark Society Events
Each fall we invite Clark Society and Junior Clark Society members to join us in celebrating their generosity. Events have included a themed dinner and a tailgate preceding a home football game.
Chancellor's Council Dinner
"Chancellor's Council" refers to the Clark Society annual giving level that is achieved by members who give $10,000 or more in a single year. At the Chancellor's Council Dinner, we celebrate donors who are in the Chancellor's Council and those who have reached a new lifetime giving recognition level.
The Scholarship Dinner is held in the spring semester of each academic year to recognize and honor all endowed scholarship donors and their recipients. Scholarships awarded for the first time during the current academic year are celebrated as part of the evening’s program.
Breaking down the Basics with TCU Golf featured Men’s Golf Associate Head Coach, Adrien Mörk and was moderated by John Denton, Associate Athletics Director for Alumni Relations and Executive Director of the Block T Association. This expert-led class was for all levels of golfers, and instruction topics included grip, posture, alignment, swing keys and chipping. Attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and receive specific feedback.