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FAQs | Faculty/Staff Annual Campaign

Most of us support causes we believe in — our places of worship, health care and medical research organizations, the arts, youth groups and scores of other worthy causes. As you become more involved in TCU and develop a belief in its mission, your financial support is another way you can make a difference. The commitment of the TCU community is a strong vote of confidence in the future of the university.
Annual gifts impact the university in a number of ways. They support TCU's budget, the general scholarship fund, research, and schools, colleges and programs. Tuition does not cover the true cost of a TCU education. The university makes up the difference with endowment income and annual gifts — a benefit for all students, regardless of financial need. Donors may designate the areas within the university they wish to support. The breakdown of annual gift opportunities includes:

University's Greatest Need
Frog Family Crisis Fund
Inclusive Excellence Initiatives Fund
TCU Student Scholarships
Clark Society Endowed Faculty Fund
TCU Frog Club (Intercollegiate Athletics)
Mary Couts Burnett Library
Student Affairs
Faculty Senate Beto Cruz Award
Block T Association


AddRan College of Liberal Arts
Bob Schieffer College of Communication
Brite Divinity School
Burnett School of Medicine
College of Education
College of Fine Arts
College of Science & Engineering
Harris College of Nursing & Health Sciences
John V. Roach Honors College
Neeley School of Business

Public universities are primarily supported with tax dollars, while private universities depend far more heavily on tuition and private gift support. Public universities are subject to the direction of the state legislature, while private universities are self-governing. Consequently, public universities are affected more strongly by fluctuations in the economy and shifts in politics. Since tax support of public universities is based on enrollment, decreases in enrollment are more likely to result in budget reductions than in privately funded institutions, whose stability is mediated by endowment.
Projects are determined through a study-and-review process, and our strategic plan, and are generally based on TCU’s Academic Plan and the Campus Master Plan. As a result of the strategic planning process, the Provost sets the priorities for academic projects to be funded. At this point, projects are sent to University Advancement to assess the potential for matching projects with possible donors. If you have a project idea that you and your colleagues are willing to support, share your ideas with your dean or department chair. Projects that will enhance the academic life of the university as a whole are encouraged.
The Fiscal Year 2025 operating budget is $729.9 million. Of this, compensation accounts for $422.0 million, including benefits. Utilities, insurance and taxes total about $22.5 million. Additional expenses are categorized as follows: equipment and repairs, $21.0 million; goods and services, $150.9 million; interest expense, $29.0 million; capital funding, Lead On reserve, $60.7 million; and other expenses, $23.8 million.
The endowment is the long-term investment assets, which produce annual income that supports TCU's annual operating budget. Most of the money is restricted for designated purposes across campus. Investment strategies are implemented according to TCU’s goals and objectives that balance annual payout needs with the necessity of long-term growth to support future generations of Horned Frogs.

The operating budget for Fiscal Year 2025 is $729.9 million. With a Board-approved payout to the operating budget, the endowment currently provides about $111.1 million in budget support, or about 15.2 percent of the budget. If more than 5 percent were to be spent from the endowment each year, it would result in a loss of essential long-term assets for the university — not just for one year, but also for every year to come.

The size of the endowment is a signal of the strength of an institution. The university’s long-term assets total about $2.8 billion. The TCU Endowment Fund has been nationally recognized as one of the best managed institutional investors in the country.
TCU's budgeted revenues sources (net of financial aid) for Fiscal Year 2025 include tuition, fees and housing (60.3 percent), endowment income (15.2 percent), athletics (8.2 percent), private gifts/government grants and annual funds (6.6 percent), auxiliary income (5.2 percent), and other income (4.4 percent). The University Union, the TCU Campus Store, Orientation and the TCU Press are examples of auxiliary enterprises.
Yes, your gift on TCU Gives Day is counted in the Faculty/Staff Annual Campaign. If you gave on TCU Gives Day, thank you for your gift! You have been counted as a donor this year for the Faculty/Staff Annual Campaign. If you’d like to give another gift, we appreciate your generosity.
Yes, your gift to Frog Club is counted in the Faculty/Staff Annual Campaign. Please call the Frog Club Office at extension 7700 for any giving questions pertaining to sports-specific seating, parking or general athletics support.
Athletics are a part of TCU’s history, tradition and student experience, as well the foundation of much of the university’s community support. From the NCAA baseball playoff to the Fiesta and Rose bowls and College Football Playoff, athletics have brought national visibility for TCU. One study revealed that more than 95 percent of universities’ media coverage is related to athletics. Since athletics generates visibility from which the entire institution benefits, the cost of funding athletics could be seen as a marketing expense. There would be no marketing budget ample enough to provide the name recognition and visibility that are realized through our athletic programs.
Yes, your gift this fiscal year to any FrogFunding campaign is counted in the Faculty/Staff Annual Campaign. If you supported an initiative through FrogFunding, thank you for your gift! You have been counted as a donor this year for the Faculty/Staff Annual Campaign. If you’d like to give another gift, we appreciate your generosity. FrogFunding campaigns can support the most critical priorities of TCU, bolster a specific academic program or support a student organization. If you are interested in learning more about FrogFunding and how it could help your area or department, please go to

Additional information is available from the Office of Loyalty Giving, ext. 7800 or