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Office of Loyalty Giving
The great power of donor participation is the strength of numbers. Together, we can achieve so much more than any one of us alone.
TCU students are learning to change the world, and you can give them the support they need to be successful through graduation and beyond. Your gift can be designated to any area of the University you choose, and will immediately go to work helping sustain the people and programs that make up our one-of-a-kind community.
Our Mission:
The Office of Loyalty Giving builds a culture of faithful support with alumni, parents, employees, friends and students. We demonstrate and create awareness of the impact of philanthropic gifts on the University and provide constituents a variety of opportunities to support and engage in the life of TCU. Your investment means TCU can make a difference in the global community today and ensures it will continue to improve for future generations to come.
Contact the Office of Loyalty Giving by phone at 817.257.7800 or by email at loyaltygiving@tcu.edu.
TCU’s fiscal year runs from June 1 through May 31.